Asta mi-s...

duminică, 30 decembrie 2012

La aceasta cumpana dintre ani, lasati sa treaca prin fereastra sufletului vostru magia sarbatorilor, lasati-va cuprinsi de fericire si bucurie si ramaneti asa pentru tot restul vietii! Fiti raza de soare si luminati calea celor ce sunt langa voi aducandu-le mereu speranta in suflet si zambetul pe fata. Ganditi-va la trecerea dintre ani ca la o poarta. Puteti trece prin aceasta poarta in Noul An luand cu voi numai lucrurile bune si apoi sa inchideti poarta in urma voastra, astfel incat grijile si supararile sa nu va poata urma. Treceti peste tot ce-a fost, credeti cu adevarat in voi insiva. Anul Nou e o carte deschisa, cu pagini albe care abia asteapta sa fie scrise, alegeti ce vi se potriveste pornind la drum cu incredere si scriind in ea doar lucruri frumoase! Fie ca toate visele pe care le fauriti in aceste zile magice de Sarbatoare sa se implineasca si drumul strabatut pentru realizarea lor sa va aduca bucurie in inimi, iar in case, fericire si belsug. La multi ani!

At the turn of the year, let it go through the holiday magic window of your soul, let yourself overwhelmed with happiness and joy and remain so for life! Be sunshine and light the way for those who are always near you bringing them hope in your heart and a smile on his face. Consider the passage of years as a gate. You can go through the gate in the new year with you taking good things and then close the door behind you, so do not worry and anger may follow. Skip everything was really believe in yourself. New Year's open book with blank pages just waiting to be written, choose what suits you from the road with confidence and writing in her only good things! May all your dreams that you forged in these magical days of celebration to get true and crossed the road to their achievement to bring joy in our hearts and in our homes, happiness and abundance. Happy New Year!

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